
Posted by Gateway 97.8

The smells that just won’t quit

As the sun begins to make a regular appearance, it’s finally time to delve into our fresh summer wardrobes, but with warm stuffy commutes and hot offices, some are getting into stickier situations with their clothes that feel far from fresh and breezy…

Some smells on our clothes can linger no matter how many times you put them in the wash, which can make us feel embarrassed and self-conscious – a laundry issue that fabric care and laundry detergent experts Ariel has coined ‘boomerang smells’.

Have you ever experienced a lingering smell that keeps coming back time and time again? Research amongst UK adults has found that many of us are quick to judge those with clothes that smell, with 56% admitting they make an instant judgement about someone based on how they smell.

James spoke to cleaning expert Laura Mountford.

Photo by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot on Unsplash

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