
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: Iwan Carrington gives decluttering tips

It’s time to face the music, folks – and no, we don’t mean those dusty CDs hidden in the attic. Recent research has revealed that 70% of people in Basildon and East Thurrock are guilty of stockpiling items they don’t really need. It’s official: we’re a nation of hoarders… So much so that 70% of us now describe ourselves as such.

To combat this, we’re calling for a national Hoarding Amnesty! Yes, it’s time to throw open those cupboards, dive under the sink, and reclaim our homes from unnecessary clutter. Think of it as a spring clean, but with a lot more fun and a lot less guilt.

While hoarding may seem harmless, it has real impacts. Limited space leads to stress and more than three arguments per year for the average couple about where to stash all this stuff. And who hasn’t been embarrassed by a cluttered home when unexpected guests drop by?

Aston spoke to home organisation and decluttering expert Iwan Carrington a.k.a Mr Carrington.

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