
Posted by Aston Avery

Listen: Is the UK workforce in trouble?

The workplace in Basildon and East Thurrock is struggling. What should be dynamic and professional environments are often stifled by serious issues that damage both employee satisfaction and business growth. New data from Cypher Learning – a global learning platform – unveils problems, like poor training, unsuitable management, and deep-seated favouritism, which are widespread. These issues don’t just hold back individual careers; they also make companies less competitive.

49% of employees report that their training sessions have little to no impact on their career progression. This statistic is troubling enough, but when paired with the fact that a massive 71% of workers find their training impersonal and unengaging, the scale of the issue becomes clear. This one-size-fits-all approach fails to address specific skills gaps, effectively leaving employees underprepared for the challenges of their roles.

The absence of tailored training is particularly acute among minority groups and women, 61% of whom feel less prepared than their male counterparts for professional challenges.

Aston spoke to Graham Glass, CEO of Cypher Learning, Beatriz Cruz & Chris Scadden.

Photo by Glenn Carstens Peter on Unsplash

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