
Posted by Aston Avery

Lisa Snowdon shares her tips to boost wellbeing

We all know that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ‘switch off’ from the pressures of modern life but worrying new research from Sanctuary Spa has revealed we are living in the middle of a significant ‘self care gap’.

The research has found that women in the UK are only able to find time for 17 minutes of self-care a day, well short of their desired amount of self-care time at 52 minutes. 

The data highlights an alarming ‘self-care gap’ – 35-minutes a day – at a time when Brits are increasingly surrounded by a relentless news agenda and under pressure to be constantly connected and on-the-go. 

To mark this year’s Self-Care Awareness Day on Monday July 24th, Lisa Snowdon is helping Brits to understand the value of self-care and championing small changes we can make in order to factor more self-care into our daily routines.

Aston spoke to broadcaster & self-care influencer Lisa Snowdon.

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