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2025 UK-Wide Coastal Festival features new Thames Estuary Commission

26th July 2024
Posted by Johnny Jenkins

Beach of Dreams, a UK-wide coastal arts festival, themed on the coastal environment and climate  change, will take place around the UK coastlines from 1 May – 1 June 2025. Alongside an evolving  national silk artwork, the installation of hundreds of naturally dyed hand-woven silk pennants by  Thurrock-based arts organisation Kinetika, there will be newly commissioned artworks in 8 coastal  locations. 

One of 8 newly commissioned artworks is being created with local sewing groups in Thurrock  and has a focus on sustainable textiles. 

The unveiling of the artworks in Thurrock will be part of the 2025 national festival which will include  walks, participatory arts activity, talks, screenings and literature events. Communities and organisations  are invited to take part and contribute to the Festival programme and listings. 

This is a public call out for additional Thames Estuary and South East Groups to take part in Beach of  Dreams and become part of the growing national network of members who are exploring themes relating to the coastal environment, organising local events, and contributing to Kinetika’s evolving national silks  artwork that defines Beach of Dreams.  

Also from 1 September 2024 any group and organisation can sign up to become a ‘DIY’ Beach of  Dreams participant adding their own listings for public events to the May 2025 calendar of events (1  May – 1 June 2025). Suggested events include talks, walks, creative sessions, screenings, celebrations,  litter picks and more.  

Supported by Arts Council England, the Thames Estuary commission responds to the question  “Where does colour come from?” and explores sustainability of textiles, focusing on the potential use  of natural dyes and plants in the textile industry. 

Thurrock-based arts organisation Kinetika will collaborate with commissioned textile artist Rahemur Rahman, T100 walking festival and Estuary Festival. 

The national artwork and the new commission will be revealed at the launch of the national festival on 3  and 4 May in Thurrock. 

Rahman’s commission will incorporate the original Beach of Dreams silks created in 2021 and damaged  in storms along the South East Coast in 2023. The fragments will be embroidered back together along  with newly naturally dyed silks to co-create boat structures with the participation of Bangladeshi  Whitechapel Sewing Group Inspire and Kite Spirit, Thurrock. 

Additionally, a spectacular new carnival costume will be designed by local artist Sarah Doyle and  developed in collaboration with Ray Rahman and students from the South Essex College Royal Opera  House Costume Construction degree course. 

Take part in Beach of Dreams and learn more at